Monday, August 17, 2009

What A Blessing

Well here I am again, blogging sharing what has been placed on my heart. First of all I would like to thank all of you who actually read my blog. When I first started blogging, I did so because it was soothing to my soul. However the longer I went on the more I started to believe that I was sharing my faith with my friends. I can honestly say I did not really know if what I was sharing helped anyone but I did know that I was supposed to share my life experiences. Well to make this short I have recently been asked to join a group of men, who intend on sharing their experiences on being African American Fathers. This is quite an honor for me, because the founder of this group said that, he thought of me because of my blog. It is amazing how God works; what began as a therapeutic outlet for me has been blessed into being a tool to help others. I believe, God knows all and his master plan is so big that we could never understand what is really going on. I thank God for the opportunity he has afforded me to share His word by using me as a vessel to communicate it with others.

Unitl Next Time

Long Live The Kane