Friday, October 16, 2009

Letting Go

As a 40 year old African-American male and single dad (Dad not Father) I have seen and done many things in my life. The majority of my life I can look on and be proud of my actions and accomplishments (my relationship with God, being a good dad, graduating from college, helping my family, and having in career). Then there is the part of my life; that while I regret nothing, I am not proud of some of my actions or some of my behaviors (having children out of wedlock, toxic relationships, and poor judgment). While some people grow up and mature into productive citizens without hitting many obstacles, I have run into my share. Many of the obstacles I ran into were placed there by me. Looking back on my life I can see where and why I went in a certain direction. My choice of direction right or wrong was determined by what I thought was best for me at that time. This is where most people get caught up. While looking back on their life, they tend to concentrate on the past and their decisions. You know the “woulda-coulda” type of thinking. Trust me when I say this, “Let the past go and move forward!”

Now while some may say, it is easier said than done and who is this dude telling me to release my past and move on. This person doesn’t understand what I have done or what I have been through. I say this to you. I never said it would be easy, what I said was, “LET GO and MOVE FORWARD!” I’m going to share some of the steps that have helped me move forward.

Step One – Pray for Guidance
As you move forward pray for guidance. The guidance you are seeking should benefit all parties involved. Remember by being true to yourself, and helping others the guidance you seek should be selfless. In the bible there is a scripture which pretty much guarantees success. Philippians 4:13 states, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” (NKJV)

Step Two – Be Thankful and Count Your Blessings
It is important to remember that whatever you have been through and whatever has been done, you are still able to make the situation better. Today is the first day of your future; you are blessed to have a future in front of you. Think about it like this; if you are reading this, you are alive and have a functioning brain. You are better off than some people.

Step Three – Be true to yourself
Own up to what you have done. Whatever has been done is just that, done. In life there are no undo’s only fix it’s and move on’s. Some time the only option is to move on. You can not control other people, only yourself. Own up, apologize (if needed), offer to fix it, and move forward.

Step Four – Help others
Always help others through situations that you contributed to. There is a condition to this step, and that condition is help when your help is wanted. Again, you can not control other people only yourself. If you are trying to help better the situation and your help is refused and not wanted. LET GO and MOVE FORWARD.

Step Five – Make each day your Masterpiece
My friend, remember Rome was not built in a day. It takes time and each day you have the opportunity to make yourself better. Be an example for others to emulate. Each day strive to better yourself (become a man of character not reputation) and those who surround you, by doing this you are creating an atmosphere that breeds healthy relationships, and a successful future. LET GO and MOVE FORWARD. Get better everyday!

Remember no one is perfect, so do not think you can not make a change for the better. Let no one tell you who you are. Know who you are and whose you are. Life is full of obstacles, some created by ourselves and others by life itself. FIX what you can, what you can not LET IT GO, and MOVE FORWARD to a better future.

Until Next Time

Long Live The Kane